Library Activities
Library Activities
Library Orientation Program: In the beginning of the year well come to students, teachers in the college library and from a Group. To get them acquainted with library rules, services, references, syllabus books, ancillary books, and teach them how to use library, references, magazines and journals. During the year students, teachers should engaged with library activities.
Book Exhibition on the eve of special day occasion/celebrations.
Best Reader Completion.
Book Review Competition.
“Tartu Pustak” Program.
Daily Quiz (General Knowledge)
Student-Teacher Parivar Vanchan Yatra.
Library Day Celebration.
Visit to school Library-Block Teaching School.
Vanche Gujarat Program Activities.
Group Reading.
Lecture for E-Learning & E-Library.
Library services for the Alumni.
Library services and information services to all the staff members of SRKSM.
Ready Reference Service and books for Teachers and Faculty of Anand and Vidyanagar Schools and Colleges.
Provide Books and Information for PhD research work caring out by the student under the guidance of College Faculty.